Example invocationsΒΆ

The mpplus command is intended to serve as the primary interface to invoke the mpcplus MPD client and mppcava spectrum visualizer. The mpplus command utilizes several different terminal emulators and can also be used to invoke any specified MPD client. Some example invocations of mpplus follow.

Open the mpcplus client and spectrum visualizer in fullscreen mode:

mpplus -f

Open the mpcplus client and mppcava visualizer in fullscreen mode using the tilix terminal emulator and displaying the visualizer using quarter-height:

mpplus -f -q -t

Open the cantata MPD graphical client and mppcava visualizer:

mpplus -C cantata

Open the mpcplus client in the cool-retro-term terminal and mppcava visualizer in kitty:

mpplus -r

Browse, list, search, and select media in the MPD library using the fzf fuzzy finder utility.

Search artist then filter by album using fzf:

mpplus -z a

Search all songs in the library using fzf:

mpplus -z A

Search the current playlist using fzf:

mpplus -z p

The mpcplus MPD client can be opened directly without using mpplus. Similarly, the mppcava spectrum visualizer can be opened directly without mpplus.

mpcplus # In one terminal window

mppcava # In another terminal window

To test the mpcplus lyrics fetchers:

mpcplus --test-lyrics-fetchers